Ep. 213 - Psalm 47 | The King of All the Earth | Joe Stout

Ep. 213 - Psalm 47 | The King of All the Earth | Joe Stout
Reformation Roundtable
Ep. 213 - Psalm 47 | The King of All the Earth | Joe Stout

Jun 18 2024 | 00:42:34

Episode June 18, 2024 00:42:34

Show Notes

Christ has obtained His kingdom. The good news of His kingdom is going forth in victory. The gospel is not just, "We get to go to heaven when we die," or, "We get to have a personal relationship with Jesus." Although both of those things are good news indeed (and are certainly an important part of the gospel), but the glorious news of the gospel is that the kingdom of Christ has come!

Christ Covenant Church (CCC), is a local reformed church in Centralia, WA. We are a gathering of saints who love the Lord Jesus Christ because He first loved us. We are a thoroughly Trinitarian, Biblically devoted, and Historically Reformed church founded within the CREC denomination in 2021. Learn more at ChristCovenantCentralia.com

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