Ep. 212 - Psalm 91 | A Mighty Fortress Is Our God | Les Doyle

Ep. 212 - Psalm 91 | A Mighty Fortress Is Our God | Les Doyle
Reformation Roundtable
Ep. 212 - Psalm 91 | A Mighty Fortress Is Our God | Les Doyle

Jun 10 2024 | 00:45:44

Episode June 10, 2024 00:45:44

Show Notes

"Woe to them that call evil good and good evil. That put darkness for light and light for darkness. That put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." 

"Woe unto those," is a terrifying reality for them that do not repent. We will see the reward for the wicked. With sight we will behold the justice and mercy of God. In them that perish the severity of God will be manifest. In the believer's escape from wrath the richness of His divine goodness.

Christ Covenant Church (CCC), is a local reformed church in Centralia, WA. We are a gathering of saints who love the Lord Jesus Christ because He first loved us. We are a thoroughly Trinitarian, Biblically devoted, and Historically Reformed church founded within the CREC denomination in 2021. Learn more at ChristCovenantCentralia.com

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